Ambush Still Speaking
As the week unfolds, it is important to remember that there is an election day coming very soon. In New Orleans and throughout the region, it’s time to get off your ass and VOTE! It’s an exciting runoff election.
While New Orleans faces many challenges going forward, the runoff election for New Orleans Mayor not only determines who will led us through those challenges, but who will represent our city for New Orleans’ 300th birthday celebration when a lot of attention will be focused on the area. This new administration with new faces, new ideas, and — for the first time — led by a woman can send a powerful message to the nation and the world. It really will be a time to make sure we shine and show off the progress and resilience we’ve made in the past 12 years. Furthermore, with the runoff in District B, we have the opportunity to elect Seth Bloom, who could be the first openly gay member to serve on city council. As the world turns their eyes to the Crescent City for our tricentennial, our message will resound even brighter and louder than ever before.
BUT, you have to vote to make it happen.
As if on cue to show just how important a vote for the right candidate is, mid-week I read with disgust the ruling of the Appeals Court in the fight over LGBT protections between Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards and Attorney General Jeff Landry. It was an action which had not been brought up before and never should have been brought this time. As a small minded political opportunist, Landry — whose sole purpose is to position himself for Governor —seized the opportunity to pander to the bible thumping yahoos who put Trump in the White House. While he claims to operate under the guise of so called Christian matters of faith (“so called” because they are no more Christian than I am a midwife), in fact he is only currying favor with the political bottom feeders who give Christ a bad name. Landry is willing to cast our life, liberty, and happiness aside to advance his own selfish agenda. We hope Governor Edwards will continue the fight, and stand up to this divisive and hateful charade. We need to let him know that we are behind him in the fight. We need to shine whatever light available on the small minded hate mongers who support Jeff Landry. We need to look at his contributors and expose their connection to the hate filled agenda he is pursuing in their name. We must never vote for or support those who attempt to gain political advantage through hate and fear.