I have always been bamboozled by the fact that Southern voters consistently vote republican, against their own best interests. As a historian, I understand why the South turned red: white voters were pissed off when Democratic President Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act in 1964. Johnson thought the Democrats had lost the South for a generation, but 53 years later, … [Read more...] about Republicans & Pedophilia
The Holiday Shopping Guide
Black Friday, Cyber Monday and a host of other buying opportunities abound at this time of the year. Then there are the charities. Tis the season for the big “ask” because tis the season AND its tax write off time. So, listen to those little bells in the malls and all of those free stamps and gifts that you get in the mail from us non-profits. Tis the Season! Then it is the … [Read more...] about The Holiday Shopping Guide
Change in Leadership at BreakOUT!
Seven years after founding BreakOUT!, Co-Director Wes Ware is stepping down. According to Ware, “As a white, queer, transgender Southerner, I set out in 2011 with the hope and intention of growing the organization and transitioning leadership after five years. I firmly believed as I continue to believe that our liberation is tied up together. That none of us will be free … [Read more...] about Change in Leadership at BreakOUT!
The Supreme Hypocrisy of the Republican Party
The Republican Party—that Grand Ole Party of patriotism and family values—has finally showed its true colors. Again. The GOP tax bill demonstrates clearly why the republican party has given up flag-waving and Bible-thumping in order to defend treason and pedophilia. The love of money (which is the root of all evil) has always been the Republican Party’s only core value. And … [Read more...] about The Supreme Hypocrisy of the Republican Party
Beyond the cards, glitz, and glimmer; beyond the call for Christ in Christmas and beyond Currier and Ives there is a real story here. The story is more than a birth narrative. The birth account is found really in two of the Gospels and they serve as a sort of prologue to the rest of the story. But I believe that the birth of Jesus has a broader appeal and broader text. The … [Read more...] about Christmastide
Trump Fatigue
make America great again kovfefe Muslim ban Mueller build a wall Pocahontas kovfefe huge crooked Hillary no collusion Omarosa liar winning Bannon largest crowd ever Nazi fake news ego grab ‘em by the pussy greed Jared Kushner delusional popular vote make America great again Michel Flynn rapist lock her up white supremacist if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating … [Read more...] about Trump Fatigue
Mid-Term Congressional Elections and Impeachment
All 435 members of Congress are up for reelection this year and the Democrats’ chances of recapturing the House are better than they have been in years. Many are predicting the mid-term elections will be a referendum on Trump although Democratic leaders fear making impeachment a campaign issue could backfire. Their fears are irrelevant as calls for impeachment are gaining … [Read more...] about Mid-Term Congressional Elections and Impeachment
On Christians and Shitholes
Donald Trump’s recent “shithole” comment about countries comprised mostly of brown people is the latest confirmation of decent people’s worst fears about the megalomaniac currently occupying the White House, namely that he is ignorant, crude, racist, and generally despicable. The comment came as no surprise to those who have long since resigned themselves to the fact Trump is a … [Read more...] about On Christians and Shitholes
Is It Mardi Gras Already?
If you’re like me, you’ve got friends outside of New Orleans (or new to New Orleans) asking “Is it Mardi Gras already?” Here’s a handy explanation/retort. Dear Non-New Orleans Friends: You’ve got Mardi Gras wrong. Many folks think Mardi Gras is the day, prior to Ash Wednesday, where everyone drinks heavily, fights for beads, and topless ladies climb greased poles on … [Read more...] about Is It Mardi Gras Already?
Commentary by Noel Twilbeck
With our frozen temperatures hovering around in the third week of January and wreaking havoc on our city and in our lives, you may have missed a bit of chill coming from Washington. An icy front blew through that week aimed squarely at the LGBTQ community. CrescentCare, one of the largest nonprofit health care providers, cannot sit by in silence without responding to the … [Read more...] about Commentary by Noel Twilbeck