For a very long time, I hated that phrase. And growing up, I heard it a lot. My father was an alpha male, ex-marine. In my house, there was no bullshit. There were rules to be followed, chores to be done, commands to be obeyed and manners to uphold. He had a confident, no-nonsense, presence wrapped in a thick, muscular frame that seemed to mirror the hyper-masculine … [Read more...] about “Be A Man”
The Rockford Files
The Back Burner Boyfriend
Back Burners – those ‘maybe one day’ relationship candidates. Those guys we keep on standby in case our current relationship hits the skids, or for when we’re feeling lonely or need help getting through a sexual dry spell. They are the guys we know that due to other obligations or priorities, current partner or basic incompatibilities, a real relationship with them just … [Read more...] about The Back Burner Boyfriend
Funny, Not Funny
America’s Next Fag Superstar spills the tea on Boston’s Straight Pride. Have you heard the one about some elements in Boston throwing their own parade celebrating Straight Pride? Unfortunately, it’s no joke. And instead of a punchline, the LGBTQ community gets a punch in the gut. In an act of outlandish absurdity the Boston “straight rights” advocacy group Super … [Read more...] about Funny, Not Funny
Is Fuchsia the new color of hate?
I have a dog. Her name is Brenda. Actually, her full name is ‘Brenda, from Accounting’. Why? Because dog owners feel obliged to engage in some sort of small talk while our hounds are sniffing each other’s buttholes. The standard, “I really don’t give a fuck” question most often asked is, “So, what’s her name?” I thought a fun response would be, “This is … [Read more...] about Is Fuchsia the new color of hate?
Like A Good Neighbor… Part 2
To re-cap, in the last issue of Ambush, I had decided to commit a random act of kindness I reached to give her a hand with one of the gigantic Bed Bath & Beyond bags she was clinging to and she said; “Oh, I got these. I need you to carry that.” Here is the continuation and conclusion of Like a Good Neighbor… Sitting on the curb, looking as if someone left … [Read more...] about Like A Good Neighbor… Part 2
Like A Good Neighbor… Part 1
Recently, in Manhattan, there was a day; one day that was absolutely perfect. It was the first of its kind this year. It was as if Mother Nature had spritzed the entire city with Windex and wiped away the dull, gray grime of recent months to reveal a clean, sparkling look into what summer might bring. In recent years, midtown Manhattan has become what Chelsea used to be: the … [Read more...] about Like A Good Neighbor… Part 1
Fifty Shades of Gay – The Hanky Code
Fetishes fascinate me. Actually, it’s not the particular fetish that I find interesting, but more the journey of self-discovery that leads a person towards a particular fetish. For example, there is a fetish known as Tamakeri (Japanese translation: ball kicking) Yep, it’s just what it sounds like; the erotic pleasure of being kicked in the nuts. Uh… that’s a ‘hard pass’ for … [Read more...] about Fifty Shades of Gay – The Hanky Code